Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hank lost his first tooth!

Today was the Seahawks opening game against the Rams. We all went and we won 28-0. Super fun and an 84 degree day. Megan and I bought blue home jerseys! I have #89 Carlson. Megan has #22 Jones. Notre Dame dudes! Mine got 2 touchdowns and her guy got one! It looked to be sold out and the half time show was actually good. A band from the UK. Anyways....we were lucky to get the Ehlers to watch Hank while we were at the game, cause again, we forgot to think about what to do with him! So sad we are not used to finding dog sitters by now. Hank had a ball playing with their Molly for the whole time. Apparently they had a great day together and played constantly. Missy had a candle lit in the kitchen when we got back cause the sweaty dog smell was a little over the top. lol They said he was great but that they did decide against ever getting another puppy. For some reason Hank is a dose of puppy birth control. We gave them a great bottle of wine and thanked them a million. Then we got home and saw (Austin saw) that Hank was missing a tooth! A big tooth! So funny. It probably got knocked out somewhere in their kitchen or hopefully outside. Time to start losing the baby teeth. A big day for the Hankster. And to think we missed it for a day at the Seahawks!