Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The year with out Christmas........ at home

Family Christmas fun that I will miss the most...

Going with the kids to pick out the tree in the dark, always remembering to cut off the bottom. Making my sugar concoction preservative.
Watching Reed bring in the tree and then listening to him tell me for the 22nd time to be careful tipping the bucket with water for him to perfectly place the stump.
Laughing at the few needles in Reed's hair and him looking at me with the "we are getting a fake tree next year look"
Waiting for Reed to put up 1700 lights or more and pointing out the branches he missed. His face, priceless. Going to Target, late, for more lights.
The kids helping decorate and Austin purposely placing my favorite ornaments on the "wrong" branches just to see my reaction (he totally knows). I just smile and say, "great" and then move them the next day. Our little game.
Looking at all the lights inside the house and on the tree, alone before I go to bed.
Trying to stay up till midnight to see Santa and help him do the Christmas thing that he does! He is amazing. We have a blast and we are soooo good!
Loving that we all know Santa is now too full to eat cookies at our house but no one can stop putting them out.
Making the egg/sausage casserole every year for the family, knowing that it is just Reed and I that eat it. They like the cinnamon rolls.
Swimming in Christmas wrapping.
Tearing up with that perfect moment. No one knew.
Trying to hold back the time, s l o w i n g it all down to savor the moment, so incredible with our family.
Cleverly and adoringly spoiling our children, but knowing it's our journey, going by too fast, and there's plenty of time to correct later.
Watching their faces and the new found appreciation for all the x-mas hoopla we do for them, because we love them and because this is what makes us the happiest.