Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stripped of his manhood, but still a STUD! be or not to be neutered? Hank would say, "not to be" and I may not disagree with him. The Vet is a scary place, both for the pets and for the owners. For the owners, in that if you listen carefully, you can spot the sneaky, little tricky ways they try to add unnecessary allowances to your bill. Especially when you are under duress. For example, we were asked upon arrival, if we would like to pay an additional (to the already 300 dollars), 95 dollars for a pre-op blood test that would allow the Dr. to make a more "secure" choice on the kind of anesthesia that Hank might require during the neutering. What? You mean the fact that we chose that Vet initially, was not enough of a guarantee? If we wanted to cough up the additional $, then they would make a better selection. Seriously? What does that really mean? If we say no, then we would have to worry about his experience all because we wanted to save a few? I asked,"We picked you guys because we believed in you. Will our decision affect Hanks outcome?" She claims she never paid the extra for her pup, but it was our choice. I heard a smirk. I said Vets everywhere spay and neuter everyday. He is a typical 9 month old lab, how different could this procedure be? He is not having heart surgery. She said again, smirking( I swear) that it is our choice. I said, "no". We will NOT pay the extra so that you all can do an extra good job. We just want you to do as good a job as you always have done with the thousands of other Labs' balls you have removed. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you.
Well, there was one more thing, they asked how much Hank weighed. Not knowing, she said they would weigh him because there would be an extra fee for dogs over 71 lbs. OMG! Luckily Hank was 67 lbs. (The "no" breakfast helped). We ended up saving $250! total and Hank is doing well. Besides the swanky cone, he is still happy and that tail keeps wagging. Again, too bad we couldn't pass on his cuteness. Knowing them, they probably froze his little swimmers for later.