Monday, March 1, 2010

Austin's Party

So, there's the thing. Boy's are soooo different than girls. Austin just had his first high school party. It was tame. Just 14 kids. Half of them girls (perfect even number) Apparently that was important. Why you ask? I don't know. Did they have fun? Yea, I think so but I wouldn't really know. What were they playing out on the golf course for an hour laughing and running around in the dark? I really am not sure. Flashlight tag? No.There were no flash lights out there. But again, I think they had fun. Did they actually PLAY Apples to Apples? Probably, it sounded like it. How were the treats you might ask, like the cute wooden bowls of candy and striped fun bowls for the chips? Well? Was the pizza good? Too much? Not enough? Cheesey? Yummy? Don't know that either. I do know that the girls did not go into the hot tub because they "forgot" their swim suits. Eye roll.

So exactly what do I know? I know that Austin, not wanting to trouble his friend by asking them to bring sleeping bags (the boys) was able to some how provide them with some kind of bedding. I know that he chose to sleep on top of the pool table. I know that he was very tired the next day, I know that candy was enjoyed and pizza remnants were found. I know that the boys liked hot tubbing and that they actually found the laundry room to put their wet towels in. I know that for some reason my son changed in the weight room. Odd? I know that Hank had a blast sneaking in their room. And most importantly aside from knowing that they all had fun and it was a success ( in that I mean no injuries or crises of any kind), I know that I will never really know what they did, how it really was or anything at all that would interest and humor me as a mom. I do also know that we are done with party hosting for awhile and it will be some one else's turn to enjoy doing it next.

My whole point is that for years I have thrown many a party having the girls and always learned from each and every one. I knew what worked, what didn't. What was fun, what was not. Foods that passed and those that did not. It was fun every time and an adventure always. But that was the girl's. Boy's are different. I need to recognize that this was just the first of many "boy" high school parties that I will know about, but..... not really. They are different. No details. Just fun. Simple. Cool.